A person is able to survive life's worst storms, so it is important to take a stand even when faced with hostile persons. You may not be able to control all the actions of other people, but you can choose not to stand in the corner with your head down. This is your life, so you should never let others do certain things to you.
JoinedMarch 20, 2018
A day without positive thoughts and happiness is an empty day. But if by chance a cloud obscures the sun, good food, quality music, singing, meditation, yoga and a strong hug bring a smile back to your face.
Your ex may have said a bunch of harsh words to you during the breakup that hurt your feelings. Even if it's hard for you right now, you shouldn't believe everything you hear, because his actions are what reveal that he misses you CRAZY.
It's no secret that in Europe we know what a good party is. But as the saying goes, a lot of music, a lot of money - a ticket and two drinks, but we are already bankrupt. To prevent your bank account from drying up this summer, take a look at the list of the top 15 places where partying is the cheapest in Europe. To your health and of course to your mind.
In modern times, there is a lot of talk about the more active involvement of fathers in the process of raising their children - in Japan, the need to relieve mothers is apparently still well aware, which is why they made the Father's Nursing Assistant device, with which men can now also breastfeed their children.
Even if in modern society both parents are approximately equally involved in the child's life, the role of the mother is still indispensable. What are the obvious signs that the child needs more time with the father?
Like "ordinary" people, celebrities also have several talents, but they focus on only one, which the world knows them by and which brings them the means of survival. Who would have thought that one day these celebrities will show the public other tricks up their sleeve, among which there are some that can easily be classified as bizarre.
Organization is quite important in modern life – seminars, books, workshops, photos, videos, lectures… We seem to want to find a way to completely organize every aspect of our lives. Thus, untidiness is seen as something characteristic of lazy and careless people, while cleanliness and organization are perfections that lead to success in all areas of life. Is this true?
Pregnancy is a wonderful time for many mothers-to-be, which also includes many unusual symptoms, emotional outbursts and crazy desires. In addition to fatigue, stretch marks, sleep problems... here are a bunch of other bizarre but scientifically confirmed facts about pregnancy.
Years ago, everyone was obsessed with the Swedish concept of hygge, but this year, the world of Swedish desserts has taken the world by storm. Since we also follow the trends, we have prepared 3 recipes for you, which will make your afternoons delicious.
Red Bull Goni Pony 2019 is celebrating its fifth anniversary, so don't miss out on a retro event of epic proportions. If you don't have a bike, rummage through your dad's or neighbor's garage, or for retro equipment, turn to your mom's, grandma's or mother-in-law's closet. The expert jury will evaluate the cyclists' clothing, and your muscles and good will will ensure that you climb the top of Vršič first and return safely to the valley with the torpedo. By heart.
Many years ago, the Ljubljana Graphic Biennale placed Slovenian fine art in a global context, so its role is still indisputable today - every year the organizers of the event tackle a current topic, which they present through graphic creations, and this year's 33rd Graphic Biennale 2019 will thus be based on the idea of satire as a distinctly visual language. Although graphics and satire each have their own particularities, they share a common claim to speak to the people and for the people. The collective Slavs and Tatars will perform the curatorial role.
They say that you should dress warmly for all those months that have the letter "R" in their name. You know that you are only a week away from May and soon you will be wearing the first sandals that reveal your feet. Do you know how to properly prepare them for this feat?