The power that music has is incredible, and people who get goosebumps when listening to music are really special - they are supposed to have a different brain. And why is that?
JoinedJune 4, 2014
Katja is a world traveler who is outside of Slovenia more often than at home. She is a lover of beauty, an esthete and a provocateur. In the editorial office of City Magazine, he covers a wide variety of topics and is not afraid of more serious texts.
Good news for those of you who hate washing dishes by hand: it's time to put everything in the dishwasher.
Beauty is a word that is stronger than any adjective. It makes women desperate - this word forces them to stick to strict diets, change their appearance and go under the knife. However, isn't it the case that beauty means something more than just looks?
Evolution didn't prepare us to use the snooze button on our phones every morning, but scientists are finding that snoozing the alarm isn't such a bad habit, as it may even make you more intelligent.
The average woman uses 16 cosmetic products a day, they found years ago in a survey conducted by the American cosmetic store SkinStore. The question is, why do we even buy the rest of the accessories if we only accumulate them in the cosmetic bag and rarely use them?
Our trust is valuable and should never be compromised. The question is, who can we trust! Certainly not these five types of people.
Finding the right man can sometimes seem like an impossible mission, but there are some obvious signs that can tell you that you have the man of your life - have you found him yet?
Love is written in the stars! Do you think Scorpios are jealous? Read to the end, maybe what your partner is doing will be clearer to you.
There is a special breed of people in the world who don't seem to belong in this time and place. Check if these unusual signs are true for you too.
Science has finally found that quality in a man that attracts the most attractive women!
How is it possible that girls and women, who should be the most desirable according to common sense, are single? Is it their own fault or is the whole world conspiring against them?
Have you ever thought that the last lifeboat from the Titanic was photographed, the shot that started World War I and the construction of the Statue of Liberty?