
Grosuplje bakery presented LCHF bread Zdravko

LCHF bread Zdravko has joined the group of so-called functional breads from Pekarne Grosuplje, where they have already taken their place: spelled whole grain bread, heavy bread, super bread and protein bread.

LCHF BREAD BREAD due to a specific ratio of nutritional values, it corresponds to the LCHF diet. It contains as much as 55 % less carbohydrates than other breads from Pekarne Grosuplje, as the largest share in the bread, as much as 38 %, is occupied by seeds. The bread is done without yeast and without added additives. There is only as much flour as is contained in the added whole wheat sourdough. The bread is extremely rich, slightly sweet and full of flavor. A treasure of seeds is hidden in the center, among which the taste of pumpkin seeds dominates. The center is juicy and stays fresh for several days. The following testifies to his wealth nutrition and health claims.

Nutritional Claims:
  • A source of protein
  • Reduced carbohydrate content
  • High in unsaturated fats
  • High content of polyunsaturated fats
  • High content of dietary fiber
Health claims:
  • Protein can contribute to increasing muscle mass
  • Protein can contribute to the maintenance of muscle mass
  • Protein can help maintain healthy bones
  • Replacing saturated fats with unsaturated fats in the diet can help maintain normal blood cholesterol levels


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