
Best electric car 2024: 3 electric cars that are absolutely great buys for 2024

The best electric car of 2024

Najboljši električni avto 2024
Photo: Volvo

In the editorial office, we immersed ourselves in the world of electric cars, combed through many models, analyzed their technical specifications, design and innovations. We are looking - the best electric car 2024! After long debates, comparisons and analyses, we came to a conclusion. We have selected three e-mobility favorites for the coming year 2024. Three cars that represent not only technological progress, but also a vision of the future of the automotive industry. In the following, we will introduce you to our favorites, which convinced us not only with their performance, but also with the promise of a greener and more sustainable future. Join us on this electric adventure! Our selection - the best electric car 2024!

The best electric car of 2024?! E-mobility is a very special beast in the automotive realm. It is not enough to just look at the companies that have an electric car in their range. No, we must look for those who dare to think differently, who cross boundaries and set new standards. In the sea of electric cars, where every manufacturer proudly shows off its "electric horse", choosing the right model can be a real little odyssey.

Our decision was not easy. You know, when the choice is so varied, it's like ordering ice cream in an Italian gelateria - all the flavors are tempting, but you have to choose the right one. And while our list could easily expand to ten or more models, we've settled on three. Three heroes of e-mobility who convinced us with their uniqueness, innovation and that special "charm".

Over the past year, we've had the opportunity to sit in a number of electric cars. Some we drove, others we just flirted with, and we talked a lot about all of them. And while there were many contenders who deserved a spot on our list, we settled on three. Three cars that are true "game changers" in the world of e-mobility.

Why these three? Well, dear readers, get ready for an electric adventure where we will reveal the secrets of our selections. And don't worry, we'll try not to get too technical. You know, sometimes it's better to leave the technique aside and focus on the soul of the car. Let's start!

Tesla Model 3 – 2024: Electric Knight of the Road

Tesla Model 3 it's like James Bond among electric cars. Elegant, advanced and always one step ahead of the competition. Despite the fact that some people do not like Tesla's aesthetics, it is difficult to deny its dominance in the world of e-mobility. When you choose a Tesla, you're not just choosing a car; you choose a vision of the future.

The Model 3 is not only a testament to Tesla's engineering, but also its commitment to the electric revolution. With aerodynamics that would be the envy of even the best sports cars and technology that sets new standards, Model 3 is more than just a means of transportation; is an experience.

And while it may not be for everyone, it is undoubtedly the best choice for those who want to be part of the electric revolution. It combines everything the modern buyer is looking for in a small package: performance, aesthetics and innovation. When it comes to family cars, the Model 3 is the leader, not only within the Tesla range, but also in the wider spectrum of e-cars.

So why choose a Tesla Model 3? Because it's more than just a car. It is a symbol of progress, innovation and a vision of a better future. And definitely a winner in the segment - the most bang for your buck!

2024 Volvo EX30: Scandinavian boldness on electric waves

When you hear the word Volvo, the first association is probably safety. You might imagine the rugged car your Swedish aunt drives. But with a model EX30, Volvo breaks with stereotypes. It's no longer just "aunt's car", it's bold, it's innovative, it's... electric. With a design that's like a slap in the face to tradition (and maybe that aunt from Sweden), and a price point that's like a sweet song to your wallet, it's Volvo EX30 a car not to be missed.

It is interesting that most manufacturers focus on the concept of a popular car with a mark of 35,000 euros. But Volvo, which is otherwise known for its Scandinavian calmness, stepped out of its comfort zone this time. The EX30 model is like a Viking among electric cars - a bold attack on all traditionalists and European brands. And if you thought that was all, you're wrong. EX30 it is also a clear statement to all Tesla fans, especially those who do not like Tesla's design language the most. Maybe it's Volvo's way of saying, "Hey, we can be cool too!".

So if you're one of those electric car skeptics, the EX30 will convince you that the electric future is bright. And if not, well, you can always try that aunt from Sweden.

2024 BMW i5: when tradition and future meet on the highway

BMW i5 it's not just a car; but it is an electric sedan and one of the few. With power that would be the envy of Thor if he ever decided to trade his hammer for a steering wheel and elegance that would be the envy of Aphrodite if she ever walked through a car showroom, the BMW i5 is more than just a car; is a statement. A statement about where BMW has been and where it is going. Although in a conservative way and perhaps at odds with basic logic.

BMW has always been considered the king of the road. And while they've made some eyebrow-raising decisions of late - having both ICE and electric cars on the same platform - the i5 is proof they're still in the game. In a world where every second car is electric, it's hard to stand out. But BMW i5 it does this with ease, also because it's practically the only sedan for business people besides the Tesla Model S. Despite not developing an EV-only platform, the i5 is a car that those who love to drive will love.

And while it has a slightly higher Cd (coefficient of cost) than its predecessor (perhaps BMW's way of showing it's not afraid of a challenge), the i5 is a car you have to experience. If you're looking for something that will get your heart racing and make your everyday life a little more exciting, the BMW i5 is the right choice for you. And if not, well, you can always wait for BMW's next move. Because if one thing is certain, it's that BMW always surprises us.

Why did we make that decision?! The best electric car of 2024!

Looking back at our selection of three electric cars for 2024, it's clear that e-mobility is more than just a trend; is a revolution that is here to stay. Each of these models brings something unique to the automotive table, something that puts them alongside the biggest and best in automotive history.

  • Tesla Model 3 he is like an electric James Bond, always one step ahead of the competition. His trump card? Aerodynamics and technology that set new standards. Tesla is not just a car; is an experience that is hard to compare with anything else on the market.
  • Volvo EX30 is bold and innovative, bringing freshness to the world of electric cars. His trump card? An affordable price and a design that is like a slap in the face to tradition. Volvo has shown that it is possible to combine quality, style and affordability in one package.
  • BMW i5 is a combination of power and elegance. Despite some controversial decisions in the past, the i5 is proof that it is BMW still king of the roads. His trump card? Legendary driving characteristics and build quality that are characteristic of the BMW brand. At the same time, it is practically the only business sedan of premium brands, of course, besides the Mercedes EQE, which was placed on the list according to the scoreboard just behind the 5 Series.

In a world where a new electric car seems to be released every day, it's important to know which models really stand out. And while our selection may be subjective, we believe that the Tesla Model 3, Volvo EX30 and BMW i5 are the three cars that will define the year 2024. The electric future is bright, and with these three models, it's also extremely exciting. Here's our pick – the best electric car of 2024!

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