Hiking is a unique way to exercise and experience the outdoors. It is not over the wonderful views that reward us at the very top, after a long climb. Many paths offer breathtaking views even while walking. It is also necessary to choose the right equipment, from clothes, shoes and backpacks, which are extremely important on the way. In this article, we reveal how to choose the best hiking rucksack.
As with most gear, the best hiking backpack depends largely on who is using it, as well as where, when and how. I'm fine it should fit your body, but it must also be suitable for the length and conditions of the hikes you plan to do, so you should consider the following features.
1. Fit and comfort
A key feature when choosing a backpack correct position. Everyone has a different torso length and most are designed for specific torso lengths. Some are adjustable to a certain extent, others are not. When buying a backpack, you need to make sure that the hip belt fits yours.
Strap on your backpack in the store and be ready attention to comfort, braces are not allowed on you to press, check it out, as well as how it fits on your hips. Fasten and tighten the backpack.
This one has to hug your hips, as they have to bear the weight of the backpack. Braces must fit perfectly to the shape of your body, they must not bear the weight of the load.
2. Carrying capacity
Consider how much all your gear will weigh and how much space it will take up in your backpack. It is from purchase it depends also some kind of backpackerk you will choose and buy. It depends on whether you are buying a backpack for one-day or multi-day hikes.
In general, it is better to strive for the smallest and the lightest backpack that can carry everything you need. Most backpacks for one day it is 20 to 35 liters in size. For multi-day hikes choose a backpack with a capacity of 40 to 50 liters. Backpacks for longer journeys they have a volume of up to 100 liters.
3. Airiness
Backpacks hold tight during a hike your body, therefore, they must retain heat and sweat. Many backpacks have them too breathable materials and mesh ventilation to increase air flow.
Hiking backpacks for all occasions
Zadnja posodobitev 2025-03-01 / Partnerske povezave / Vir fotografij: Amazon Product Advertising API