
Big mistake: never buy shoes in the morning

Photo: envato

Finding a comfortable shoe requires visiting several stores, trying on countless models, and taking time to shop. Nevertheless, all this effort does not guarantee that the shoes will serve you well. Feet change throughout the day, so when to buy shoes is important.

The feet change throughout the day, as they become wider and longer as the day progresses. Therefore, experts are of the opinion that it is best to buy shoes in in the afternoon. Buying the wrong shoe can also affect comfort and back pain.

Experts say that a good shoe should enable natural bending of the foot and have softness in critical areas such as the heel. The sole should be more flexible and not made of hard material.

When it comes to shoe size, you need to have enough space at the top of the shoe - it should be at least one toe wide.
Photo: Karolina Grabowska/ Pexels

When buying shoes it is recommended that try socks. If you wear insoles due to uneven feet or other complications, take them with you to the store and try the shoe with them. Or you can choose ones that have removable inserts, which you can then replace with medical ones.

When it comes to shoe size, you must have enough space at the top of the shoe – this must be at least one finger wide. Your toes need extra room to slide forward when walking downhill. It is also important that the heel of the shoe stands firmly.

If you have problems with vertigo, avoid shoes with very soft soles, because in the case of vertigo, they can only worsen this condition.

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