

An excellent restaurant for people who work, but want delicious, freshly prepared food despite the constant rush. They prepare excellent breakfasts for a good start to the day. For a quick snack, they put together cosmopolitan sandwiches that are a feast for the eyes and taste great. For those who want something light, fruit and...

Basic information
Šmartinska cesta 152
from Mon. to the rooms. from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m
(01) 810 90 34

An excellent restaurant for people who work, but want delicious, freshly prepared food despite the constant rush. They prepare excellent breakfasts for a good start to the day. For a quick snack, they put together cosmopolitan sandwiches that are a feast for the eyes and taste great. For those who want something light, vitamins in the form of natural juices are squeezed from fruits and vegetables into our glasses and of smoothies. We offer three gourmet lunches every day. We can check what kind on their website. Homemade soups and fairy cakes can also caress our stomachs. For those with a sweet tooth, they bake sinfully good waffles and crispy French croissants. A glass of delicious white or red house wine or homemade Brunch iced tea goes well with a good meal. In any case, there will be something to your liking even for such a refined taste. We can also treat ourselves to a relaxing afternoon gathering with colleagues and friends with good music and a rich selection of cocktails.

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