250 of the best pieces of advice from popular music of the last fifty years are collected in a book with the cute title: Don't eat yellow snow.
Can a movie ever measure up to the power of imagination when reading a book?
In November 1945, a plane with nine passengers crashes in Greenland. Everyone survives, but they have to fight the arctic winter.
A fresh book called 100 Greatest Waves celebrates the surfing style of travel with beautiful photographs.
London's Design Museum recently released a book celebrating the 50 bikes that changed the world the most.
Although the letters have been around since the 1980s, they have only now been published in book form, and Nino Stibbe's first book is almost a bestseller.
Tadej Golob returns to all reading fans with the story of an amateur boxer before the last fight of his career and with an offer he cannot refuse.
After Angels and Demons, Professor Langdon returns to Italy, this time to Florence.
The Taschen publishing house has published an updated monograph of one of the greatest contemporary architects, Zaha Hadid, who designed many high-profile projects, to name but a few the Rosenthal Center for Contemporary Art in Cincinnati, the Glasgow Riverside Museum and the Eli & Edythe Broad Art Museum in Michigan.
The largest book fair in the world, which is taking place these days in Frankfurt, is finally opening its doors to the public.
Tjaša Rener is a young artist who fell in love with Ghana during her trip. She illustrated a children's book about life in a Ghanaian village and the adventures of a girl, Doris.
It is an original guide to the Slovenian capital by the author Neja Morata Štucin, who described the guide as adapted to children's perception, which is why it is different from guides intended for adults.