A bizarre new trend is coming from Japan: squeezing children's faces. It all started when Japanese comedian Masahiro Ehara posted a series of tweets with photos of him "shaping" children's faces into onigiri rice balls, a traditional Japanese dish. And it quickly grew into a trend that is on the one hand bizarre and on the other very endearing.
The YouTube channel "People are awesome" makes video compilations of amazing feats of individuals and every year at the end of the year they put together a video compilation that always takes your breath away.
How to become a millionaire in 35 days? André Alberto took an interesting path. He wants to get rich with Kickstarter. But not in the way you might expect. His business plan does not include a product or service. He is marketing himself, and his campaign will be successful if he collects at least one million US dollars in 35 days and thus becomes a millionaire. Want to be a part of history? If you help him become the first crowdfunding millionaire, in return you get a signed book, a meeting in Portugal and the chance to marry him.
In 2015, the world was flooded with many photos, but few have such a strong message value, and especially an emotional charge, as photos of kisses. This year, the kiss once again played many roles. It was an expression of love, of being in love, it was a comforting agent and it was an expression of happiness. There was no shortage of such and different kisses in 2015, and we have selected the best kisses of the year in the photo gallery.
What are the most viewed ads on YouTube in 2015? Some old friends like Budweiser came out on top, and the list also includes two video game ads, Clash of Clans and Boom Beach. In total, the most viewed ads in 2015 had as many as 470 million views (almost two-thirds of views occurred on mobile devices), which is 45 million more than the year before.
Like most media, Facebook does a Year In Review at the end of the year and publishes the stories that were shared the most during the current year. Check out what was written and talked about the most on this most popular social network and what 2015 will be remembered for.
What is the difference between tourists and travelers? Aren't these the same people? In the following, through cute illustrations, you will realize that these are two completely different categories, somehow in the style of men and women. Are you a tourist or traveler yourself when you go abroad? Beware, spoiler! If you're staying in a hotel and own a selfie stick, you're probably a tourist!
Are you afraid of flying? Are you one of those people who read all the news about plane crashes before the flight? If you are, the following article may reveal what you fear. Judge whether your fears are justified or not. Pilots reveal things that will change the way you look at flying and maybe even ease your fear.
After Generation X and Millennials, founders are here. For the past few years, companies and organizations have been searching for the right name for the baby generation that has replaced the millennials. After many failed attempts (The New York Times wanted to call them Generation Z, at Apple they cheered for the term "iGen", and in the media we could also see the name "Plurals"), at MTV they finally found a term that "caught". Here are the founders!
We Eagles love America as much as Donald Trump does. Therefore, you would expect that (because of his controversial statements and politics) he would be attacked by someone else than the bald eagle, otherwise the national symbol of the USA. The eagle prepared an unpleasant surprise for Trump at a photo session for Time magazine, which nominated the husband of Melania Knavs and the US presidential candidate as Person of the Year. The title later went to Angela Merkel, and a video online that will make many laugh.
Some people can't think, talk, let alone think, before their morning coffee. If you are one of those who can't start the day without caffeine, the following gifts will probably be right for you. If your loved ones are also coffee lovers, shopping for Christmas presents will be a real pleasure this year. You will be able to shop as if you were shopping for yourself.
The year 2015 is coming to an end, and the last period in the regular review of the year also includes selfies. The age of selfies is still going on and has grown from a phenomenon to a part of everyday life. Even so much so that governments deal with them and warn people about the dangers and pitfalls of selfies. Something that would have been bizarre three years ago, but today it is something completely normal and a logical consequence of the development of events. But this article is not intended to moralize, but to review the best selfies of 2015. And if we have learned anything during this time, it is how to take a good and original selfie!