
Differences between tourists and travelers through cute illustrations

Noticeable differences between tourists and travelers

What is the difference between tourists and travelers? Aren't these the same people? In the following, through cute illustrations, you will realize that these are two completely different categories, somehow in the style of men and women. Are you a tourist or traveler yourself when you go abroad? Beware, spoiler! If you're staying in a hotel and own a selfie stick, you're probably a tourist!

Differences between tourists and travelers are actually so large that they are visible from afar. A traveler is one who goes on a trip without a specific itinerary, who travels in a more modest way, with a backpack, rather than a suitcase, on your own, moves from place to place, doesn't worry so much about accommodation, gets to know the local population and, unlike a tourist, doesn't complain about hotel service. He carries a tripod instead of a selfie stick, does not travel around the city by taxi and dreams not of a hotel, but of how he will conquer a mountain peak.

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Differences between tourists and travelers through cute illustrations:

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