Spring pasta with shrimps, tomatoes and spinach is everything we want on pleasant spring evenings. Try a colorful, tasty and fragrant recipe that excites all the senses...
Attention Turkish coffee lovers! We have a new way of preparing Turkish coffee for you, which is actually not new, as it is a traditional process. Cooking in hot sand. If you are a real Turkish coffee drinker, then you know that preparation is a kind of ritual, so it will not be amiss if this type of preparation takes a little more time than usual. From the city of Aqaba, Jordan, comes a video showing how Turkish coffee is brewed in the traditional way.
Here is a recipe for divine lemon pancakes with poppy seeds and a delicious homemade strawberry topping. The beloved pancakes can be even better.
Strawberry Banana Blueberry Bread is the sweetest excuse to sweeten up when our bananas, strawberries and blueberries aren't looking their best. We do not throw away overripe fruit, but we bake a real treat from the ripe goodies. Here is the recipe for Strawberry Banana Bread with Blueberries…
Are you also obsessed with food photography? Enjoying food through a lens? Then watch out! The latest trend among Foodie Instagrammers now are special Foodography dinners and workshops in Israel. So if you were wondering why young people are flocking there lately, it's not some religious event, but the fault of Carmel Winery, one of the oldest wineries there, which turned the promised land for the Jews into the promised land for a generation of foodie Instagrammers.
Quiche or "quiche" seems terribly complicated, but believe me, preparing a delicious French pie with spinach filling is actually completely simple. Follow our simple recipe for spinach quiche with ham and soon your kitchen will be smelling like a traditional French delicacy.
Summer is coming and with it the real heat, when we want to leave the city chaos and go to the sea and have a liter of refreshing drink with us, which would at least cool us down a little. That's why some refreshing smoothies are especially welcome now, you can prepare them yourself and take them with you to work or after running errands.
Potica is one of the most popular Slovenian traditional dishes. Why not bake it for the holidays (or just like that) with the addition of chocolate and a delicious coconut filling? Our loved ones will be grateful when we put a coconut bar with chocolate in front of them...
Fillet of wild salmon with a delicious glaze of blood red oranges on a bed of green asparagus is a fantastic dish that will satisfy even the most demanding gourmet. Check out the easy recipe and enchant your loved ones with a meal they will remember for a long time.
Strawberry cheesecake ice cream is one of the desserts that could be described as culinary decadence, as it is a homemade dessert that combines everything we love most. Try the recipe for the sweetest dreams of fragrant strawberries and cream pies in ice cream form...
What is Bubble Tea, how is it prepared and where does the popular Asian drink come from?
Lemon tiramisu is a perfect dessert that enchants our guests with its delicate taste and soft structure. It is the perfect choice for a spring dessert, a romantic brunch or just like that.