The year 2022 brought a breath of freshness to the world of beauty: beauty is increasingly reflected in self-care and the well-being of one's own body. More and more customers are opting instead for painful and potentially risky treatments for painless beauty technology solutions that bring long-term results.
When we talk about hair care, regular washing is usually what comes to mind first. Most people stick to the same routine their whole lives, but maybe it's finally time to change it up a bit and start applying shampoo and conditioner in the opposite order. We asked what the advantages of this type of hair washing are and what kind of hair it is most suitable for.
After a long, cold winter, we can finally enjoy the spring sunshine. This spring, in addition to the warm weather, also brings us a novelty in the field of hairstyles: the so-called French bob. A lively hairstyle with which you will bring the charm of the streets of Paris to your look will require some courage, especially if you are long-haired, but we guarantee that you will not regret your choice.
When it comes to hair color tones, warm tones will dominate in 2022. The focus will be on the brilliance and fullness of the colors of your favorite desserts: vanilla, chocolate, coffee, caramel.
There are many methods of detoxification, and many are fascinated by this Japanese technique. There are bacteria and toxins in your body that you need to remove in time. Otherwise, it will cause various health problems and serious diseases.
Make-up is something that has its place in almost every woman's wardrobe. Opinions about its use are divided: some claim that it shows the wearer's low self-esteem, others that it is an artistic expression. But the truth is that you and no one else give meaning to makeup. If you decide that make-up will be your source of strength and self-confidence, it will become exactly that, regardless of the opinions of acquaintances and strangers.
We present to you which perfumes will make you smell like you just got out of the shower.
Are you also a horror fan and can't wait for weekend movie marathons? Then this research will scare you even more!
Many people these days are on the hunt for the latest trends and strategies to maintain a youthful appearance. However, we can come across many myths. Various experts from dermatologists, plastic surgeons have helped dispel some myths about aging and we reveal them to you below.
Many can agree that beautiful, healthy nails are a sign of neatness and elegance. However, it often happens that our nails lose their shine and strength - this is especially true for lovers of extended gel or acrylic nails and those who bite their nails. That is why we have prepared a simple way for you to restore health and strength to your nails in 5 steps.
When it comes to skin care, men still mostly use simplicity - soap and water. Skin care is not only a women's domain, because in the flood of personal hygiene products, men are also becoming more and more educated in this field. The skin care rule is no longer considered nonsense, as they too strive for healthy looking skin. To help men develop healthy grooming routines, dermatologists recommend following the tips in this post.
We all want thick, healthy and shiny hair, but many believe that the only way to achieve it lies in expensive preparations and countless visits to the salon. But that's not the case - the ingredients you already have in the fridge can help you achieve beautiful hair. We have prepared 3 hair masks with egg yolk that can improve the condition of your hair and restore its shine and volume.