... when grandma and grandpa call too. Freelandstudios is behind this handiwork, which is basically a base station for the iPhone. Of course, the old-fashioned - today we can already call it that - phone is fully compatible and adapted for all versions of the iPhone. For those of us who like the old (analog ...
... will now be even more pleasant, as we will be able to keep company with the new Sony Walkman W250, which is even waterproof. It is the perfect musical partner for sports use, as it can be worn in the gym or while running (even in the rain), and it can also be washed after exercise. The extremely powerful battery allows us to...
The Nokia N8 intuitively connects us to the services that are important to us and allows us to create our own content, connect to popular social networks, enjoy online TV programs on demand and access many applications in the Ovi Store online store. Nokia N8 allows you to record videos in HD...
The Olympus PEN E-PL1 recently won a TIPA 2010 award and was voted "Best Entry-level Compact System Camera". At the same time, it can also boast of a red-dot design award. The PEN E-PL1 is a camera for those of us who consider ordinary cameras...
What (to us) really matters about digital video cameras? Resolution, magnification, or perhaps weight and associated mobility? Probably every mentioned attribute in the right measure. The small and design-friendly Samsung SMX-C10 digital camera bets on this. And what is the right, middle measure that should...
Najprej je bil Applov Mac, nato dolgo nič. Pred kratkim je poskusil Asus s svojo verzijo vse-v-enem, ki je slišala na ime Eee Top PC. Sedaj so šli korak naprej in tehnologijo preselili v tipkovnico. ASUS EeeKeyboard je pravzaprav netbook stlačen v malo večje ohišje (skoraj) ...
Niso vsi i-ji povezani z Applom. Dlančnik HP iPAQ 214 s 4 palčnim zaslonom, občutljivim na dotik, je lahko prenosni »poslovnež«, ki smo ga iskali. Z vgrajeno brezžično omrežno povezavo 802.11b/g nam omogoča dostop do svetovnega spleta in elektronskih sporočil takorekoč na vsakem koraku. Za ...
Although Onkyo is an unestablished brand in the world of netbooks, with the MX1007A4 they (partially) positively surprised. If we think the following specifications are a bit "undernourished" (Intel Atom Z515 1.2GHz processor, 1 GB RAM, 250 GB hard disk, integrated graphics) - absolutely justified. And Onkyo...
It's not techno, but it's pure rock'n'roll. The Time-Player wristwatch from the house of Hamilton, namely. The watch, whose case is made of titanium, is inspired by the watch from Stanley Kubrick's film 2001: A Space Odyssey. To set the time in an individual time zone, a suitable "mini-clock" is needed...
The acclaimed PowerShot SX200 IS is saying goodbye, to be replaced by the PowerShot SX210 IS. It is intended for users looking for high performance in a compact body, as it brings a range of advanced technologies and flexible settings to handle different photographic challenges. The SX210 IS features a 14x zoom, ...
Plantronics Explorer 395 belongs to that group of universal bluetooth headphones, the advantage of which is very easy to use and excellent sound quality. Due to extremely useful functions and easy installation, we will be able to connect the handset to all mobile phones with bluetooth technology. ...
Namizni stereo zvočniki – nič takšnega, bi rekli. A le če smo popolnoma slepi za okolico. Harman Kardon GLA-55 zvočniki so očem tako vpadljivi, da jih enostavno ne moremo spregledati. Prozorno ohišje daje vtis brušenega kristala, pri tem pa se oba vgrajena zvočnika z alumembranama odlično ...