Every day we are bombarded with numerous statistics and research results, but we often only grasp the full extent of things when they are presented to us more plastically. With maps, such as we did not meet in geography lessons or geography, spreadsheets and infographics, which illuminate in a unique way what dry statistics tell us, but also hide. We've collected just such, so prepare to be surprised, if not shocked.
Slovenian Matjaž Krivic is a travel photographer who shows us the themes of poor parts of the world, rich in tradition and the mystery of their religions. With the photographic project "Urbanistan" he reveals that urban does not necessarily mean modern, and through it he takes us to the traffic frenzy of Calcutta, to the cheapness of nightlife in Bangkok, to chaotic Tokyo, to the suffocating and dusty streets of Cairo, to the carousel of hedonistic and aggressive Rio. ..
If you are looking for an unusual thermal experience, Japan is the right place for you. Not only soaking in wide noodles, in the Yunesson Spa Resort SPA center you can also enjoy a bath in red wine, green tea, coffee and sake. If you don't have enough money and time to travel to the land of the rising sun, but still want an unusual thermal experience, you can experience it at Starkenberg Castle in the Austrian Tyrol.
We entered 2018 at the speed of light. We are entering the summer, sunny, light days even faster. May Day, Labor Day, is already here. The day on which the holiday falls fits our calendar this year, so you will be able to take several days off. If you have no idea where to go for the first of May, you are deciding at the last minute and you need an idea for a destination, this one is very close to you. See where you can go for May 1st this year.
7 najbolj hedonističnih hotelov
The Peloponnese, a peninsula that stretches in the south of Greece, is a true pearl of the Mediterranean. With a rich history dating back to ancient times, this region is home to some of the most famous archaeological sites, such as ancient Sparta, Epidaurus and Corinth. The Peloponnese is also known for its beautiful beaches, picturesque mountain villages and excellent local cuisine. All this and more makes the Peloponnese an ideal destination for hedonists looking for luxury, comfort and culture. Here are seven hotels that offer all that and more.

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