Do we really need 10,000 steps a day to stay healthy? Maybe a smaller number of steps is enough for an active life? Do more of them need to be made? How many steps should be taken per day?
What steps to choose effective treatment of foot fungus. A fungal infection of the foot is a persistent problem that many find difficult to get rid of. If you are one of those who face recurring infection, you might be desperate and looking for the right way to get rid of it permanently. We have news for you: the right combination of approaches can help you completely cure the infection and prevent its recurrence.
Wondering how you know someone is really good in bed? Research has revealed what makes someone the ultimate lover.
Louise Hay's advice to help you regain faith in your life and people.
You may want to handle the negative things in life as coolly as possible, but scientists are convinced that this very skill is essential for a happier life.
Waiting and waiting. They are late again, they are always late and late. Have you ever wondered why some people are always late? Which zodiac signs are most often late?
On August 13, 2023, retrograde Venus and the Sun will align to create what is known as the Venus Star Point. What does the alignment between retrograde Venus and the Sun mean? What is the symbolism of the star point of Venus?
Are you interested in how to prevent dehydration in the summer heat? By taking adequate amounts of liquid. But not just any.
Do you know the dirtiest foods? These are the foods that are most subject to the use of pesticides.
Looking for a potion that will help you live longer? You may have a solution right under your nose. Well, right outside the front door.
Have you ever caught yourself talking to yourself? Do you find this habit unusual or perhaps even worrisome? Don't worry, you're not alone.
It is not easy when we return to work after a few days or weeks of vacation. But with these tips, it will also be much easier.