It seems to many that he is his own harshest critic and that he is in no way satisfied with his achievements, lifestyle, appearance... Also, many people find it difficult to rest, because they feel that they will not be able to achieve their goals. However, such thinking is unhealthy and leads to burnout, poor self-esteem and constant feelings of dissatisfaction. That is why we have prepared 6 ways for you not to be too critical of yourself.
At the beginning of a relationship, it is completely normal to sometimes wonder what your partner is thinking and how to correctly interpret his reactions. The answers are often hidden in body language, which betrays our feelings and intentions before we do so with words. That is why we have prepared for you 5 ways to understand your partner's body language.
The very word retrograde reminds us of something negative, stagnation, blockages, broken plans, etc. You may have heard of the astrological story of Mercury retrograde, which can turn everything upside down, but it's much more complex than that.
While the self-help industry is booming, according to research, rates of anxiety and depression continue to rise around the world. Psychologists believe that most of what determines our happiness is a result of our personality. And more importantly, happiness is determined by our thoughts and behaviors, and these can be changed. How you learn to be happy is revealed in the article.
Did you know that by April 80 % not all New Year's resolutions are fulfilled? Why? Because breaking bad habits is hard work. It requires both commitment and action.
Spring is finally here and we can look forward to longer days and higher temperatures. Rather than being happy, however, we will be happy about spring fatigue, which will try to convince us to spend the day in bed this year as well. We have prepared 3 healthy snacks for you, with which you will overcome spring fatigue and fill your body with energy and momentum.
What does a relationship look like after cheating?
A new relationship can be both scary and exciting. You finally find someone you enjoy spending time with and start to worry about doing something wrong. A mistake that will end the relationship before it really starts.
People change throughout life, not only physically, but also mentally. As children, we are mostly curious, unrestrained, we don't want anything bad to happen to anyone, and we can be incredibly happy and surprised by very small things.
People are not just good or just bad. Even the best have dark places, weaknesses, qualities they are ashamed of or afraid of. Even in the worst, there is something good that is able to give back and contribute, nurture and build. Nobody and nothing is black and white.
To be in good shape and look good, you need to do sports regularly. In addition to ensuring good condition, influencing the beauty of the body and building muscles, physical activity also improves mood, maintains health and helps you feel better in your own skin. People today are not active enough, because they sit a lot and eat too much. With such a lifestyle, with insufficient movement and an intake of calories that is higher than their consumption, kilograms and fat pads accumulate.
When you face difficulties in life, sometimes you lose momentum, you lose the will to keep trying. You become numb. Nothing is ever as hopeless as it seems and you are not as heartless as you think you are. Never stop trying no matter the circumstances.