Got a sunburn? We are in summer, the time when we all want to enjoy the sun and feel the warmth on our skin. But dermatologists warn us that sunburn is not a negligible problem that should be underestimated. Exposure to the sun can have long-term effects on our skin, and it is especially worrying if we experience sunburn during adolescence.
According to new research, acupuncture of a certain part of the body can even help with weight loss.
When summer comes, most of us usually solve the heat problem by closing the blinds to keep our homes pleasantly cool. But what if we told you there was a different approach that could bring incredible benefits to your health? The latest research from the University of Oregon reveals that leaving the blinds up may be the key to a healthier life.
An empty, boring bedroom is a thing of the past! With the simple addition of three beautiful indoor plants, you can transform your bedroom into an oasis of peace, freshness and harmony. In addition to aesthetic pleasure, these plants also have medicinal properties that have a positive effect on your sleep and well-being. Scientists have confirmed that indoor plants not only reduce indoor dust, but also improve air quality, which can lead to easier and more relaxing sleep. Here are three extraordinary plants that you must have in your bedroom! Some claim that they make you sleep better and snore less!
Quality sleep is worth its weight in gold. Apparently, it can also save your life. One recent study found that nearly 10% of premature deaths could be attributed to lack of sleep. Four key tips for better quality sleep!
New generations are looking for ways to escape from everyday stress and indulge in some relaxation, and the latest TikTok trend - "bed rotting" - is also aimed at this.
Lying in bed and unable to fall asleep, maybe it's time to try this 5-minute ritual that can work wonders on your sleep.
Bedding hygiene is also essential for better sleep. You won't believe how quickly our pillow can turn into a breeding ground for bacteria if you don't wash the pillow cover often enough.
Skip the shower and let yourself be pampered with a bath. Why? Because a relaxing bath is the best stress reliever!
If you've passed the magical age of 40, you may have noticed that things are starting to change. And no, I'm not talking about waking up in the morning feeling like you spent the night in the washing machine. I'm talking about your body starting to act like it's preparing for a long winter. And no, this is not a Game of Thrones reference. So - how to slow down aging?!
Have you ever dreamed of having long, shiny hair that even Rapunzel would envy, but your hair seems to grow slower than a cactus in the Sahara? Don't worry, we have a solution! Here are eight science-backed ways to turn your hair into a real speed rocket. Get ready for a scientific journey to long hair!
What was the last time you had a good night's sleep? A good night's sleep has become a luxury that eludes many of us. With the constant hustle and bustle, along with an endless stream of thoughts and worries, it can be a challenge to relax and drift off into the land of sqanj. In this article, we reveal to you how to create a soothing bedtime routine that will help you sleep well and of good quality.