In the age of digital media, there is more and more talk about the impact of technology on the emotional and physical health of the youngest, as well as ways to successfully limit access to online content.
Many parents on a daily basis they face the challenges of growing up in the digital age and when it comes to limiting children's access to digital devices, it is often difficult set the right boundaries. Generations of children are developing, growing and maturing at a time when the availability of information and diverse entertainment content is easier and faster than ever before. Being online is often more important to them than being in nature, and parents often don't know what to do when faced with the same challenges.
Both emotional health professionals and psychologists often they point out problems, which he can have technology to the youngest. Experts offer some useful tips that will help parents cope with everyday life with challenges digital age.
Photo: Emily Wade/unsplash
1. Time for family
It is recommended that you set a day or time for joint activities in which the whole family will participate. Roller skating, walking, board games, cooking - the choice is yours. It is important that the child cooperates with you.
2. A good distribution is worth its weight in gold
Together, design a home schedule so that the child has time for himself and his responsibilities, also include minimal access to online games and this type of technology. Compliment your child for his effort when you make a schedule and follow it consistently.
3. House rules
Agree together on the rules for the use of various digital devices, be it the use of the phone or computer games. Above all, determine when and how much time a day the child can use them. Also prepare house rules together, which should also include various household chores, for example cleaning the room.
4. Consistency and consistency
Many parents often say one thing one day and another the next and do not stick to decisions. It is also important that both parents make such decisions in a coordinated and unanimous manner. For example, one parent is protective of the cell phone while the other is more permissive, so be consistent here.
5. Yes to restrictions, but not prohibitions
If the child is particularly often attached and dependent on his digital device, a sudden ban on the child can cause a crisis. More important than the ban is the time limit. According to the recommendation of experts, children should be the digital world used:
- until the age of 5, the time limit should be less than one hour a day
- until the age of 9, the child should not spend more than one hour a day in front of screens
– up to the age of 12 no more than an hour and a half
– until the age of 18, this time limit should be a maximum of two hours a day.
It is important that they are suitable and high-quality content and age appropriate. When choosing computer games, one should avoid those that are intended for an older age group. Good games are those that appeal to children visually and verbally and have positive content and encourage creativity and imagination. Experts recommend that children up to the age of 14 use screens only in the presence of a parent or other adult. It is also recommended that children under the age of 14 do not have their own phones.
6. Show interest in your child's interests
Find funny and entertaining content together on social networks. Show the child how to use the Internet for those contents that will further clarify, for example, school material or attract additional interest in his interests. Show in more detail creative activities that can fill free time. Be a part of his online world.
Photo: Vitolda Klein/Unsplash
7. Dialogue instead of monologue
Ask the child what he thinks, what he wants, what makes him happy. Above all, ask him if he wants you to be more involved in his activities.
8. Spend days without internet
Plan a fun activity together without internet access. The combination of being outside and moving is the best thing anyone can do, regardless of age.
9. Physical activity
Lack of movement causes weaker muscles, which also affects posture. Parents must find time and a way to encourage healthy habits in their children by their example.
10. Steering for the better
Your child is a mini version of you and your job is to guide him, help him, be a rebel and an example for him as he grows up. If you think you can't do it on your own, you can always turn to various experts, including at school or kindergarten.