
This 4 minute workout should replace an hour of gym time!

A good enough and satisfying workout to complete in less than five minutes? Sounds pretty hair-raising, doesn't it? Well, apparently it is possible. In this 4-minute workout that we will present to you today, we strengthen the entire body, increase muscular endurance and provide cardiovascular fitness. Movements are performed in short intense intervals, which allows you to burn calories, and calories will be burned even after the exercise.

4-minute workout is great for beginners and will undoubtedly be stimulate the metabolism. Every exercise repeat once and devote a certain amount of time to it, resting for a few seconds in between. If you have more than 4 minutes or you have more fitness, then after the first set of exercises rest for one minute and then the set of exercises repeat once more. For results, the exercise will need to be done at least two to three times a week.

READ MORE: This exercise is supposed to burn 6 times more calories than jogging!

Exercise 1: Squats (60 seconds, no rest)

Your feet should be just slightly wider than shoulder width apart. Start the movement in the pelvis. Push your hips back and lower your body into a sitting position. Squat as deep as possible while maintaining a straight posture. Lift up using your glutes, hamstrings and hamstrings.

Exercise 2: push-ups (30 seconds, no rest)

Get into a push-up position and squeeze your abs, keeping your body straight from your toes to your shoulders. Place your palms shoulder width apart. Slowly lower yourself to the floor until you are just under 3 inches above the floor. Lift yourself up using your shoulder muscles and upper arm muscles.

Exercise 3: Climber (30 seconds, no rest)

Get into a push-up position. Squeeze your abs, lift your right leg off the floor and bring your knee toward your chest. Be careful not to drop or rotate your hips. Return the leg to the starting position and repeat the exercise with the left leg.

Exercise 4: lunge while walking (60 seconds, no rest)

Place your feet shoulder-width apart and place your hands on your hips. Take a big step forward with your left leg, making sure your knee is straight forward and your thigh is parallel to the floor. Keep your right foot on the ground and your upper body upright to help you maintain your balance. Return to the starting position with the left leg and repeat the exercise with the right leg.

Exercise 5: Jumping Jack Jumps (45 seconds, 15 seconds rest)

Place your hands next to your body and jump apart, raising your arms above your head at the same time. Quickly jump to the starting position and repeat.

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