
Do you trust your sixth sense? Take the test and discover how strong your intuition is!

Photo: envato

Intuition, the sixth sense, is an ability hidden within each of us. Sometimes it makes us feel like we know things without logical explanations or evidence. It is like a quiet voice that guides and directs us through life. Do you rely on it?

The sixth sense is not just something mystical; is the result complex brain processes. Our subconscious mind and experiences play an important role in forming intuitive thoughts.

Every time we experience something new, the brain stores it as data. When faced with similar situations in the future, our minds can quickly connect previous experiences with new information, which is expressed as sixth sense or premonition.

Intuition is one of those mysterious qualities that science is still trying to fully understand. Some people have a strong intuition that helps them make important life decisions, while others may not even know they have it.

Photo: envato

With this simple test you will be able to find out where you are.

1. Do you have a reason not to trust your intuition?

a) Yes. Intuition has disappointed me many times.
b) No, if I listen to myself, everything always turns out the way it should.
c) Rarely.

2. Do your dreams come true?

a) No, I don't remember them at all.
b) Yes, I believe in my dreams.
c) Several times I had the feeling that this had already happened to me in my dreams, but not often.

3. Have you ever thought of a person and suddenly met them?

a) Whenever I think of a person, I almost immediately meet them.
b) No.
c) It happened several times, but I did not attach any importance to it.

4. Do you like spending time alone?

a) Yes, I feel perfectly fine in solitude.
b) No, I'm afraid, especially if I'm alone at home.
c) Depending on my mood, sometimes I want to be alone, but rarely.

5. Have you ever had equipment break down near you without touching it?

a) This happens all the time - kettle, headphones, blender.
b) Only once did the hair dryer burn out.
c) No, everything works for many years.

Photo: envato

If you had the most answers under A

Your intuition is excellent and she has already helped you many times in various life situations. You are one of those people who trusts their feelings and instincts. You may realize that your intuition is based on past experiences and subconscious processes that your brain processes quickly. This allows you to make decisions that often turn out to be correct, even if they may not seem logical at first glance.

Your ability to perceive subtle signals from your surroundings and interpret them is very strong. This allows you to adapt quickly to changes and detect opportunities or threats before others do. Intuition also helps you understand other people and their intentions, allowing you to have better relationships and communicate effectively. It is important to continue to trust your feelings and use them as a guide in your life.

If you had the most answers under B

Your intuition is well developed and saved you from unpleasant and even dangerous situations many times. You may not always trust your instincts completely, but you have a good sense of situations and people. Your intuition often gives you important clues to help you make decisions. You may think your sixth sense is better than average, but you don't always rely on it.

When faced with tough decisions, often you weigh your feelings along with logical analyses, giving you a balanced approach. If you want to strengthen your intuition even more, you can try to listen to your feelings several times and use them in everyday decisions. Dream journaling and meditation can help you better understand your intuitive messages. Relying on your intuition can help you develop personally and professionally by making you more confident and decisive.

If you had the most answers under C

Your intuition is not strongly expressed and relies on it you rarely rely. You are a person who relies more on logic, reason and hard evidence when making decisions. You may think that intuition is something unreliable or even useless. However, intuition is an ability that can be developed and improved with practice. One of the first things you can do is start listening more carefully to your feelings and trying to understand them.

You may find that your intuition is not as weak as you thought. Journaling where you write down your thoughts, feelings and dreams, can help you identify the patterns and symbols your subconscious uses to communicate with you. Meditation and relaxation techniques can help you calm your mind and hear your inner voice more clearly. Try to relax and allow yourself feelings, to guide you in everyday situations. Over time, you may begin to notice that your intuition becomes more reliable and helpful.

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