
Surprising: You will never find these 5 foods in the refrigerator of nutritionists

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Nutritionists, nutrition experts, are dedicated to the promotion of a healthy way of eating and the planning of individualized nutritional regimes. Nutritionists' recommendations are based on scientific evidence and guide people towards healthier choices. In this article, with the help of experts, we reveal to you which foods nutritionists do not keep in their refrigerators and which healthy foods they recommend instead of those that are less recommended.

Nutritionists their nutritional habits build on knowledge about which foods are most beneficial for the body. Avoiding certain industrially processed foods is not just a choice; it is a commitment to maintaining health in the long term. Following their guidelines not only improves your overall well-being, but can significantly improve your quality life.

1. Processed foods

Processed foods, such as chips, cookies and quick frozen meals, are often high in saturated fat, salt and added sugars. Nutritionists avoid these products as they increase the risk of developing chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Instead, they prefer to choose fresh or minimally processed snacks such as nuts or fresh fruit.

Photo: Widlittle/Pexels

2. Industrial fruit juices and carbonated drinks

Industrial fruit juices and sodas are full of added sugars that can contribute to unhealthy body weight and other metabolic problems. Nutritionists eliminate these drinks from their diet and advise water, unsweetened teas or freshly squeezed juices as healthy alternatives that hydrate the body without unnecessary calories.

Photo: Sebastian/Pexels

3. Processed prepared foods

Prepared foods, such as frozen pizzas or microwave meals, are often processed with preservatives and artificial additives. Nutritionists choose fresh ingredients and prepare the meals themselves, because they know exactly what they contain. This way they avoid unnecessary chemicals and optimize their nutrient intake.

4. Packaged pudding and fruit yogurts

These products are often labeled as healthy, but they can be filling added sugars and artificial flavors. Nutritionists choose plain yogurt instead and add fresh fruit or natural honey for sweetness. This approach provides better control over the amount of added sugar and improves the nutritional profile of the meal.

5. Margarine

Margarine, especially that made from hydrogenated vegetable oils, contains trans fatty acidse, which are harmful to heart health. Nutritionists often choose natural sources of fat, such as olive oil or avocado, which offer beneficial monounsaturated fats and avoid trans fats.

Photo: Felicity/Pexels

6. Cow's milk products

Some nutritionists exclude products from cow's milk due to allergies, lactose intolerance or personal dietary beliefs. They recommend alternative sources of calcium such as almond milk, tofu and green leafy vegetables, which are also rich in minerals and vitamins.

Photo: Ohlman/Unsplash

Healthy food recommended by nutritionists

Nutritionists they recommend a varied diet, based on fresh, unprocessed foods. The focus is on fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins and healthy fats. Such a diet not only provides all the necessary nutrients, but also helps maintain an ideal body weight and reduces the risk of many diseases.

Reach for healthy food. Photo: Jane/Pexels

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