
Don't throw away orange peels: 3 ways to use orange peels

Photo: envato

Did you know that orange peels can be used in many ways?

Oranges are known for their refreshing taste and nutritious properties. Many people usually throw away orange peels, as they are considered useless, but it has been shown that they contain many useful components that can improve health.

Orange peel contains vitamins A, B6 and folic acid, calcium and polyphenols. Vitamins A and B6 are key vitamins that help maintain healthy skin, bones and eyes. Folic acid is important for the proper functioning of cellular metabolism, and calcium helps maintain healthy bones and teeth. In addition, polyphenols are beneficial antioxidants that help prevent heart disease, cancer, and other diseases.

How to use orange peels?
Don't throw them away. Photo: Emma Pollard / Pexels

How to use orange peels?

1. Tea

Arrange the orange peels on a baking sheet and bake them in an oven heated to 200 degrees Celsius for 30 minutes. Then put them in a blender or chopper and make a powder out of them. This powder can be used as a tea to help improve digestion and immunity.

Add a teaspoon of orange peel powder to hot water and let it sit for a few minutes, then drink. If necessary, you can add sweetener according to your taste.

2. Face scrub

Add some powder to your regular scrub. Peels will help remove dead skin cells and improve the appearance of the skin.

They are very versatile. Photo: Mareefe / Pexels

3. Food supplement

Additionally, orange powder can be added to other foods such as smoothies, baked goods or oatmeal for added flavor and nutritional value.

Be careful when choosing oranges.

It is recommended that you select organically grown oranges, as the conventional method of cultivation may use harmful pesticides that can accumulate in the peel.

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