
Is this what the world will look like in the future?

Canals in Venice without water.

Can you imagine that all the dark predictions of climate change come true? Rather not. But that's exactly what Evgeny Kazantsev did, creating surreal photographs of the world and the state that would prevail on Earth if the alarming signs were ignored. Heat waves, snow storms, droughts and floods would completely change the image of many cities. According to him, this is what the world should look like in the near future.

Evgeny Kazantsev us with photos that show catastrophic consequences of climate change, actually just set up a mirror, since this kind of scenario is not so impossible. Fortunately, there is a project Cataclysm happens only work for the insurance company Gefest and no realistic prediction, but constantly listening to the years 2020 and 2030, i.e. some distant dates in which green policies are based, does us no favors. It is necessary to act now and start with yourself, not with declarations and commitments.

READ MORE: Pawel Kuczynski: surreal illustrations of Facebook

It will be an alarming scenario when we live in a world where they are Venice without water, an alpine town without snow, where deserts creep towards cities and where we experience Hitchcockian scenes with birds disoriented by changing climate patterns, once realized? Let's hope that "Cataclysm happens" remains alone black script, who never found a "distribution".

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