
The exhibition Drink differently: how young people see youth drinking

In mid-October, on the initiative of Pivovarna Union, budding young photographers in the company of renowned New York photographer Cheryl Dunn walked around Ljubljana in a different way as part of the Pij photography workshop and recorded the traces left behind by drinking. Some presented it through the devastation after the party, others through portraits, and still others took a completely new approach. The best works will be exhibited in the Photo Gallery between November 25 and December 5, 2015.

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Levstikov trg 7, Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee
Free of charge

The result of the photography workshop Drink differently, which is sponsored and initiated Union Breweries under the mentorship of a famous photographer Cheryl Dunn held in Ljubljana in mid-October 2015, will be seen in Gallery Photo.

READ MORE: Drink differently: Young people accompany Cheryl Dunn on the trail of drunkenness

The photographs of up-and-coming photographers, which are a record of a time, will not only carry artistic value, but will primarily be aimed at raising awareness among young people. They will try to open their eyes and convince them that excessive drinking it's not cool and it's far from glamorous. You are welcome!

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