
Experts advise: this is the main reason why you have a cold all the time

Photo: Gustavo Fring / Pexels

Colds are considered one of the most common diseases, especially in the colder months. That's when some people are spared, while others seem to wake up with a stuffy nose, sore throat and headache almost every week. We asked what the experts think: what are the main reasons you have a cold all the time and how to make your immune system stronger?

Common cold applies to annoying, and in most cases innocent disease state. It's perfectly normal to experience it several times a year, especially in autumn and winter time. But what if you think you are keep getting colds or you don't get a cold at all in the cold months don't leave? Experts say it exists for this several reasons, but that there are also ways of getting diseases shake off as quickly as possible and prevent them from repeated.

Do you feel like you always have a cold? Photo: Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels

The main reasons why you keep getting colds

Reasons that there is a cold in autumn and winter on the rise, there is more, but experts point out two. The first is that cold days cause us to spend more time indoors closed spaces, where viruses spread faster and easier. That is why some people get sick more often than others: more often are located between four walls. Those who often attend are the most prone to catch a cold larger gatherings, shop in packed shops, are regular visitors events and parties... The higher risk is also represented by jobs that include working with customers.
Another important reason lies in itself to the weather. Especially in autumn, we are used to the temperatures higher in the morning, v in the evening hours, they descend almost to zero. For our body, such a change is natural shock, which appears in a weaker immune system and consequently faster infection. It also has a big impact temperature change, when we step out of a warm bed in the morning into a cold atmosphere.
Other factors also affect the number of colds, e.g. age and ours immune system. Children they get sick more often than adults, and the same applies to those whose immune systems are naturally somewhat weak "weaker".

Unfortunately, low temperatures lead to an increase in viruses Photo: Pavel Danilyuk / Pexels

How to prevent colds?

The best way to prevent recurring colds is to take care of yours immune system. It means that you make an effort to be lived a healthy life, so it is recreated and put everything into your body nutrients, which it needs for its operation. It is also important to low temperatures prepare well and thus prevent you cold- the very feeling of cold can cause you to wake up with a cold the next day.
Of course, prevention also includes instructions, which we received at the start of the COVID pandemic: regularly washing and hand disinfection, avoidance to people who show signs of illness, wear masks

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