
Facebook introduced augmented reality (AR) and other new tools

Tech giant Facebook has announced the use of augmented reality (AR) and other new advertising tools that will soon be available on the social network. Some companies that favor advertising on social networks have already had the opportunity to test the new features.

Facebook has recently presented set of tools, which will allow software developers to offer their potential customers testing products before buying.

Sephora is one of the first companies to use a new advertising method based on augmented reality. Consumers can now Sephorine cosmetic products they try before they even decide to order them.

Is Sephora's lipstick the right choice?
Is Sephora's lipstick the right choice?

Having already taken root on Facebook's Messenger app, augmented reality is now making its way onto the 'wall' as well. The new tool is being tested by many companies, such as Michael Kors. Who wouldn't want to make sure that a particular pair of sunglasses really fits?

How do you look with certain sunglasses?
How do you look with certain sunglasses?

Facebook also wants to s function to create videos put YouTube on the edge. The new acquisition makes it possible creating ads by combining multiple images, enriched with the company logo.

Ads will consist of multiple thumbnails.
Ads will consist of multiple thumbnails.

Recently, Instagram, which is owned by Facebook, launched IGTV. This is intended for the publication of videos up to one hour in length and is therefore of great help to advertisers. Soon, you'll also notice in Instagram's sponsored stories markings that will redirect you to the website of the product manufacturer. We can say with certainty that it is social media advertising booming.

With a few clicks to purchase!
With a few clicks to purchase!

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