
Great news for all curvy beauties: stronger thighs and wider hips mean a longer life

Stronger thighs and wide hips have their advantages. According to a new study, people with such traits should live longer!

A recent study claims that fat on the hips is for useful, while stronger thighs indicate greater muscle mass. People who have these two qualities are supposed to even lived longer.

In the research, they measured this "central fat" and, in combination with the body mass index (BMI), tried to determine the risk of premature death. The researchers say that previous research in this area, that is, those that looked at the links between waist circumference and the risk of death, gave "inconsistent results" and that their work is the most comprehensive so far! And based on the results, they warn that people should focus on their waistline – fat around the waist, but not just on BMI or body weight. Their findings, published on bmj.com, otherwise they are based on the results of 72 studies in which more than 2.5 million people participated.

Pay attention to the fat around the belly!

Research results

The author of the study, Tauseef Ahmad Khan of the University of Toronto, claims that belly fat the most problematic fat on our body. "Fat is stored around internal organs, and excess fat is associated with high cholesterol, high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes and heart attack."

Scientists have proven that excess belly fat is associated with the risk of premature death, even if we take into account the body mass index (which can indicate that we are thin). A 10-centimeter increase in waist circumference increases the risk of death by as much as 11 percent.

According to the research done, it should be the circumference of the thighs and the circumference of the hips “inversely associated with the risk of death from all causes”. Thus, the increase in hip circumference should be 10 centimeters reduced risk of death by 10 percent, and increasing thigh circumference by 5 centimeters is said to reduce this by as much as 18 percent. dr. Khan also added that fat in the hips is said to be beneficial, while larger thighs are said to be an indicator of muscle mass.

Stronger thighs indicate muscle.

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