
Green therapists: 5 plants that will clean our home

Indoor plants brighten up our home, but at the same time they also take care of well-being - both mentally and physically. Numerous studies have shown that plants reduce stress, improve air quality, reduce noise, and caring for them has a therapeutic effect on us. Which plants are among the best "green therapists"? Here are five green suggestions, and maybe one of them will decorate your home or office tomorrow.

These are plants that are best for our home and will clean it.

Mother-in-law's language

The extremely hardy plant rarely fails. It can be recognized by its yellow-edged leaves, which grow upright in the air. Since its care is not demanding, it is also suitable for those who often forget the fact that they have indoor plants. The hard-working air purifier is supposed to filter out benzene and formaldehyde, among other things.

Mother-in-law's language
Mother-in-law's language

Golden potos

Another extremely undemanding plant perfectly tolerates fluctuations in temperature and light. Its wrappers can grow up to 3 meters. Golden Pothos is also known for removing formaldehyde from the air, and it is also said to remove carbon monoxide. More than obvious, this is a great plant for your bedroom.

Golden potos
Golden potos

Rubber man

A popular houseplant, the ficus version has a thicker trunk with shiny, large leaves that can store water in the event of a drought. The plant itself prefers bright rooms with indirect light. Gum tree removes toxins from the air, especially formaldehyde.

Rubber man
Rubber man

Nesting hornet

The plant with lance-shaped and shiny leaves forms a rosette that resembles a bird's nest. The indoor plant needs enough space for its growth and is one of the few ferns that thrives even where there is central heating, but it needs more moisture for this. It removes formaldehyde, xylene and toluene from the air.

Nesting hornet
Nesting hornet


In the right indoor conditions, philodendron's heart-shaped leaves and the plant's wrapper can grow up to 3 meters in length, making the plant great for high shelves. This popular houseplant also absorbs formaldehyde.


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