
Honda's fastest lawnmower in the world can reach 187 km/h

Honda surprised again and in all probability set a new Guinness World Record for the fastest lawn mower in the world. The Honda Mean Mower achieved an average speed of 187 km/h (116.57 mph) and beat the old record by 47 km/h.

Of course it's not about a regular lawnmower, which you can buy at providers of this kind equipment, but for a heavily reworked version based on Honda HF2620 "Lawn Tractor", which of course they are thoroughly processed with the intention of setting up an otherwise completely nonsensical one record. The motor heart of this lawnmower represents 1.0l Honda VRT engine, with 6-speed gearbox and special Scorpion exhaust system. Unfortunately, more information is not known.

Despite all the processing, it is important that this mower really cuts what it is supposed to Guinness World Record setting a new record for this category. For mowing, it uses two electric motors and a thread that rotates with 4000 revolutions per minute. It can therefore mow the grass at up to 30 km/h per hour, which is more than double the speed of a conventional model HF2620 mower.

Interesting record breaking she performed THE IDEA – testing house in Spain. Due to the complex rules, the result has not yet been officially confirmed.

Photos from the testing and installation of a possible new recorder

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