
How to check if eggs are fresh: The best way to check if eggs are still good to eat

Photo: envato

Are the eggs you have in the fridge really fresh? How do you check if the eggs are fresh?

Perhaps you have ever encountered a situation where you were not sure are the eggs fresh? and suitable for use or would you rather throw them away.

The freshness of eggs is crucial both for their taste and for their safety during preparation food. There are various methods ahead of you to help you determine if they are eggs really fresh.

How do you check if the eggs are fresh?

Date of use

One of the easiest ways to check the freshness of eggs is to check the use-by date found on the package. Many manufacturers mark the shelf life of eggs, which is usually a few weeks or months after they are packed. If you are in doubt about the freshness of the eggs, check this date, but remember that this is only an approximate time and freshness can vary depending on storage conditions.

Are the eggs fresh? Photo: Estudio Gourmet / Pexels

Diving method

One of the traditional methods for checking the freshness of eggs is the dipping method. In this method, simply drop the egg into a bowl of cold water. Fresh eggs will sink to the bottom and lie horizontally, while older eggs will float or rise to the surface. This is because fresh eggs contain a smaller air pocket, while older eggs lose moisture through the shell, causing the air pocket to enlarge.

Check the shell

Egg freshness can also be checked by visual inspection of the shell. Fresh eggs usually have a firm, smooth and undamaged shell. If you notice that the shell is damaged or has cracks, it is likely that the egg is no longer fresh.

What do they look like? Photo: Damian Sochacki / Pexels

Smell check

If you are still in doubt about the freshness of the eggs, you can also check the smell. Fresh eggs usually have a very neutral or unnoticeable smell. If you notice any unusual odors, such as a sulfur smell, this could be a sign that the eggs are no longer fresh and should be discarded.

Shaking method

Another simple way to check the freshness of eggs is the shaking method. Fresh eggs have a small air pocket inside that allows the yolk and white to move slightly inside the shell. If you shake the egg against your ear and hear a clear sound, it is likely to be fresh. However, if you hear a hissing sound or no sound at all, this may be a sign that the egg is already older.

Using the dough on a plate

For those who would like to check the freshness of eggs more scientifically, there is also a test on a plate. In this simple test, you simply crack the egg onto a flat surface, such as a plate, and observe the yolk. A fresh yolk will have a high and rounded peak, while an older egg's yolk will have a lower peak and may even spill over the plate.

If you're still in doubt, look into it. Photo: Damian Sochacki / Pexels

Checking using water and salt

Some say that you can also check the freshness of eggs by placing them in a bowl of salted water. Fresh eggs should sink to the bottom of the container, while older eggs should stay on the surface. This method is similar to the dipping method, but the salt is said to further help to check freshness more accurately.

Regardless of which method you choose, it is important to always refrigerate your eggs and use them within a reasonable time to maintain their freshness and safety.

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