
How to be thankful for what we have before we lose it

Photo: Jonas Svidras / Unsplash

Unfortunately, we don't appreciate most of the good things in life until we lose them. We don't know what we have and we take it for granted until it slips away and we are left without it. Learn to be different. Appreciate everything around you - now, this moment.

Remind yourself every day what you are grateful for. The more you practice gratitude, the more reasons you will have to be grateful.

Maybe you woke up in the morning without sleep and as a result your day is full of inconvenience. You don't have to continue on this path throughout the day. Stop. Remember that you are healthy, that you are not in pain and that this is enough to overcome a bad day. But if something hurts, you can take an analgesic and feel grateful when the pain goes away.

It's that easy.

When was the last time you hugged a friend and told them how much they mean to you? Do it today. You might write them some nice words, even though it's not your usual way of communicating with them.

Look around you

You see family, colleagues, people you meet on a daily basis at their workplaces; salesmen, clerks, postmen, doctors... Each of them deserves your smile and kindness, through which you will thank them for doing their job conscientiously.

Everyone who is present in your life, in your environment and everyday life can leave tomorrow. Maybe they will find a better job in another city, get married, go abroad...

Some definitely will. Some will stay and may live in your neighborhood, but lifestyles and responsibilities will separate you and these are normal, expected and welcome changes that you should accept with gratitude. You embrace change without regret. Do not experience them as a loss and appreciate what you have, realizing that nothing is eternal and guaranteed.

Love life - now! Anastasia Nelen / Unsplash

Love everyone in your life

The view from the window. Rain and wind. The sun. The sea. The wind. Nature, animals and plants. Love those you love, those you will never meet and get close to. Fill yourself with love to the top and beyond. Love life - yours and everyone's.

Spread love all around you

Compliment everyone. You don't know the person you meet all the time because they have beautiful hair. A saleswoman who is always friendly and has that special sparkle in her eyes. Someone who walks the dog every morning. Compliment everyone you meet on something you notice and like about them. Don't save compliments for special occasions.

Tell your partner that she is still yours favorite person in the world, that you like it when he looks at you like that. To parents that they are the best in the world and walk through your childhood memories and share it with them. You'll be surprised when they tell you they didn't know you even noticed.

No one gives parents the recognition they deserve. There are no rewards for devoted love and care, but telling them you appreciate something they have done and continue to do for you is the greatest reward possible. Gold medal for parenting.

Enjoy with your family. Photo: Chewy / Unsplash

Make sure everyone you care about knows how much they mean to you. Tell everyone you love that you love them from time to time. Tell them what you love most about them and how they have enriched your life.

Show your attention and respect to everything and everyone

The whole living world deserves your love, because it is part of your life, animals, plants...

When you look at life and treat it as a miracle, rewarding you with all the intensity of its manifestations and the depth of interaction you have with everything outside of you, then you experience within yourself a belonging that needs no confirmation.

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