
How to choose the right watermelon so that it is juicy and sweet?

How to choose the right watermelon?

How to choose the right watermelon? You've probably looked forward to a juicy and sweet watermelon before, but disappointment awaited you under the skin. If you thought buying a whole watermelon was a lottery, you were wrong. With these tricks, you will master buying a watermelon so that it is always the way you want it, i.e. juicy and sweet.

How to choose the right watermelon? There is probably no fruit more associated with summer than watermelon. It consists of approx 90 percent water, and the crumbs were picked up fibers, which makes watermelon positive for digestion, as it is full of antioxidants that cleanse the body. He has a lot few calories and is probably the most refreshing summer fruit. But only if she is just right. And how do we know this, if we don't just buy a half or a quarter and therefore don't see hers red meat? Simple.

READ MORE: Recipe: watermelon jelly - how to make jelly from watermelon?

Mirrors, mirrors on the wall, tell me which of these watermelons is the ripest now?
Mirrors, mirrors on the wall, tell me which of these watermelons is the ripest now?

First of all squeeze the watermelon. If it's a little heavier than you'd expect for its size, then it's ripe, otherwise it doesn't have enough juice. Another sign that it is a juicy and sweet watermelon is its sound. This one must be beautiful when with the knuckles tap on it on all sides (the sound must not be muffled or loud). These are the key signs that point to fetal maturity. The third way to check the quality of watermelon is the place the watermelon sat while ripening. This is produced by a yellow (can also be white or light green) "stain". The bigger it is yellow surface, it matured longer. If all three of these characteristics match, you can be 100% sure that this is the watermelon you want! So, now you know how to choose the right watermelon!

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