
How to eat less?

Photo: envato

Have you ever wondered how you could be less hungry? Don't have the slightest idea how?

Here are 6 simple answers to this question.

Anyone who has ever gone on a diet must have felt that despite eating regular meals (smaller, lighter ones), they are always hungrier than usual. But when you stop dieting, you start putting even more food into the body and it overloads the stomach, which then expands and we end up needing a lot of food to satiate it.

Let's see how we can satisfy hunger and deceive our body that we are not hungry:

1. Brush your teeth after every meal.

Drink a glass of water before eating.
Photo: Engin Akyurt / Unsplash

2. Drink a glass of water before eating.

3. Eat more low-calorie foods.

Light meals. Photo: Nutritiously / Unsplash

4. Eat more clean protein.

5. Use smaller plates for meals.

Do not eat from the packaging. Photo: Emmy Smith/Unsplash

6. Do not eat directly from the package

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