
How to fall asleep easily in one minute?

Stress is usually the factor that makes many people unable to close their eyes. They say that sleep and stress in the world of sleep are like ying and yang, opposite but related forces. Stress interferes with sleep, and the lack of it leads to even greater stress. Falling asleep in such situations can therefore be a real nightmare, except that we are still awake. But there is a simple and minute-long technique that will quickly send you to a well-deserved dream. So how do you fall asleep in one minute?

If the main culprit for insomnia In layman's terms we call it stress, but we call the main culprit on a chemical level adrenaline and stress hormone cortisol. And although there are many solutions to reduce the level of stress hormones at night, the technique of how to fall asleep in one minute, which you will learn below, is the fastest.

4-7-8 breathing technique is a breathing pattern developed by Dr. Andrew Weil. It is based on an ancient yogic techniques, called pranayama, which helps practitioners gain control over their breathing.
When practiced regularly, this technique may help some people fall asleep in a really short period of time.

Breathing technique 4-7-8

It's easy and just a good minute a long but very effective breathing technique that requires a 4-second inhalation through the nose (the tongue should touch the roof and upper front teeth). This is followed by a 7-second breath hold, and an intense 8-second exhalation completes the circuit through the mouth. We repeat this breathing cycle four times. And that's that! For an even more detailed explanation, we suggest you watch the video.

However, the 4-7-8 technique is not only useful before bed, as it will quickly reduce it stress level even in everyday situations that cause inner turmoil.

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