
How to find love according to your astrological sign?

Photo: envato

Love is probably the thing in the world that humanity deals with the most - scientists try to explain it with neurotransmitter explanations, artists try to depict it in sonnets, paintings and movies, and the rest of us talk about it constantly. What does astrology know about love? How to find love according to astrological sign?

How to find love? Is it even possible to find her or does love really find you? These are questions that people have been dealing with for thousands of years. But we can't measure love and we can't bottle it, so to these questions we don't know an unequivocal answer. Every industry interprets love in a slightly different way. What do the stars say about finding love?

What does astrology know about love?
What does astrology know about love?

How to find love according to astrological sign? Astrology says that the easiest way to do this is simply to consider which sign you are in according to the position of the sun. It is also crucial to consider what are you in the ascendant and of course, what is your chosen one in the ascendant. Basic astrological sign should determine yours basic structure of operation and characteristics while the ascendant describe yours inner emotion and hidden pieces of you, which are most expressed in a close and intimate relationship.

Ascendant describes your inner emotions and hidden parts of you!
Ascendant describes your inner emotions and hidden parts of you!

Roughly speaking, signs should work well together air and fire (aries, leo and sagittarius they seem to get along well with libra, aquarius and twins), while it should watermarks had better chances with earth astrological signs (Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces get along well with Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo). However, with the inclusion of ascendant signs, this formula gets a bit more complicated (thank goodness, otherwise you'd be pretty limited in your choice of partners). For example, someone who is an Aries in the base sign is a wonderful match with a person who is a Taurus in the ascendant. In the end they have all combinations the possibility of finding love and connection, but they have different strengths and problems according to the placement of the stars, the Moon and the Sun at the time of birth of both partners.

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