
How to get rid of the energy you carry with you from a former relationship

Photo: envato

Take back parts of your soul and life will bring you new love! Go ahead, you have the life you deserve!

When you leave a relationship, a person, you face loneliness after many years. You fall into a state of melancholy, sadness, a feeling of being completely alone. In this process, it is important not to leave parts of yourself in old relationships, in experiences from the past.

You feel like you are still there somewhere, with someone, emotionally, mentally, spiritually, even though you are physically separated and alone.

Still live someone else's life the person you were in that relationship instead of uniting with yourself. You have to gather all the parts of your soul and integrate them into yourself, build the core of your personality. From this state you can hear your desires, needs, the voice of your soul. Get back a part of your soul, your heart, your energy, then be alone for a while and you will be ready to move on.

How can you do this? There are certain psychological tools and methods that can help you move forward and that can prevent you from getting stuck in past experiences.

If you can't forget a traumatic situation from the past, replay it in your mind.
Find that part of you that is stuck there and that is afraid and alone. Visualize it. Call this person to you, tell them that you can take care of them now, breathe them into you. Feel yourself becoming one with her. Do this exercise regularly as long as it relaxes and makes you happy.

Let go of the past. Photo: Marco Testi / Unsplash

If you can't forget the loved one you broke up with. Imagine a former loved one that you cannot forget, but still feel a clear connection to them. Tell her image, the character you see, that you are ready to say goodbye to her and start a new life with another partner. Ask her to give you what is yours and give her her energy that is trapped within you. Visualize how you exchange energy, imagine how this process takes place. Repeat this process until you feel relief.

You can use the same with your parents, friends with whom you had a bad relationship, people who hurt you.

Leave that negative energy in the past and get the energy you need to be who you are again without looking back. Discover new dimensions of love, the first of which is healthy self-love, which also brings new love as a condition.

This visualization practice should motivate you to let go of the past and keep the present. It works on a subconscious level and helps you realize that you really can get rid of everything that is left behind and discover new spheres of life.

Be who you are, remember that life is a wonderful journey, where countless experiences await you, worth living for, loving and looking forward to.

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