
How to react to an insult: defend yourself against other people's negative words

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How can you defend yourself against the negative words of other people! How to respond to an insult? When someone hurts you with words, do the following!

Why do insults hurt you and how to properly respond to them?

Any negative opinion someone gives you can throw you off balance. But did you know that everything depends on our emotional state, situation, attitude and circumstances. In some cases, they can affect you in the same way - a comment from an unknown person on social networks, words directed at you by a neighbor on the corridor, or the words of a close person.

When people are faced with insults, their first reaction is negative emotions, mostly sadness and anger. As everywhere in life, self-confidence plays a big role. If you doubt yourself, there is a greater risk that you will have a harder time facing them.

How to respond to insults?

Psychologists believe that insults should not be answered. The person trying to insult you is in big trouble right now. She is just expressing some of her traumas and bad experiences, this may be a familiar way of reacting to her from the past. His own pain manipulates her.


It is important to remember that for many insults are simply a wrong way for people to deal with their pain and feelings. That is why more and more people are hiding behind different profiles and writing negative comments. Writing insults is a toxic habit that makes the person who insults feel better for a moment, but then faces the dark side and repressed emotions.

When someone insults you, it is best to respond to insults in these ways:

Don't take them personally

The offending person is most likely immersed in their own traumatic feelings. Everything he says has nothing to do with you. You must understand that the person who attacked you with insults does not see you as an enemy, he sees in you an old experience. You have to understand that it's not about you, it's about them.

Work on yourself

Do you notice an increased sensitivity and a sharp reaction to any insults? Analyze your past. If you immediately push these insults into unpleasant emotions, you become uncomfortable. Look at your life path and you will see similar stories when you experienced similar emotions. Overcome your old traumas so that they no longer manifest in you. This is the best preparation for protection against toxic people.


Try to calm down

Insults trigger anger in you, which causes an acute desire to engage in conflict. Try to stay calm in any situation. Stay away from the person who insults you, don't talk back. Express your anger through, for example, walking, screaming into a pillow - get the anger out of you. Thus, you can quickly deal with negative emotions and you will not think about this situation for the rest of the day. Find the right relaxation technique that can help you find peace.

Do not talk back to the person who insults you

There is a great temptation to respond to someone who says bad things to you, but do not retaliate with insults or negative tones. At this moment, maintain a state of happiness, love and joy within yourself, and negative vibrations will not be able to affect you.


Try to see something more behind the insult

An insult, when uttered by close people, can also be a call for help. Many people who are tense and under stress first fight, insult, but in reality they need your help and talk. When someone close to you offends you, ask them why they are behaving the way they are and if there is a deeper problem.

If there is a person in your environment who constantly insults you and makes you feel bad, then it is best to cut off contact with them. You deserve people in your life who show you respect, support and love.

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