
International cat exhibition in Ljubljana 2018

Also this year, a prestigious competition for the title of the most beautiful purebred and domestic cat will be held in the capital. The international cat exhibition in Ljubljana will take place between March 24 and 25, 2018, this time for the second year in a row at the Gospodarski razvatsvišče. Under the tactics of seven international judges, the most beautiful cats will be awarded the honorary title of Best in Show. Welcome!

Important information
Ljubljana, Economic Exhibition Center
Entrance fee
6,00 €

Felinological Society of Ljubljana again this year organizes the most prestigious competition for all purebred and domestic cats. International cat exhibition in Ljubljana will take place from 24 to 25 March 2018 on Economic Exhibition Center. The title of the most beautiful cat will be awarded according to the rules of the umbrella association FIFe (Fédération Internationale Féline), and she will determine it seven judges from Slovakia, Italy, France, Poland, Norway, Estonia and Switzerland. At the exhibition it will be possible to see approx 300 cats of a wide variety of sizes, colors, breeds and shapes. Visitors will be able to vote for the most beautiful cat, watched presentation of cat breeds and admired all kinds of cats. Children will be taken care of in the drawing corner. The exhibition will also be informative, as it will be possible to obtain information on the proper care of cats and life with them. It will be possible to buy at various stands various accessories for pets. Tickets for adults will be available at a price of 6 euros, and for children at 3 euros. Welcome!

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We will be able to see a variety of cats
We will be able to see a variety of cats

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