
Is he cheating on me? How to Spot the Red Flags!

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Photo: envato / Is he cheating on me?

Is he cheating on me? It is one of the most painful things a person can experience in a relationship: finding out that your partner is cheating on you. But sometimes the signs of infidelity are hard to spot, especially if you are in love and don't want to believe that your partner is capable of such betrayal. Here are some of the most obvious signs that your partner might be cheating, backed by research and expert opinion.

Is he cheating on me? Obvious signs he's cheating on you? Experts looked at some of the most common common patterns. Not everyone means infidelity. If you notice more of them, you should pay attention to what your partner is doing!

He suddenly became more mysterious

If your partner used to be an open book, but now seems like he's keeping things from you, it could be a sign that he's cheating. This can manifest itself in a number of ways, from suddenly password-protecting your phone to being evasive when you ask him about his day. According to a study published in Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, secrecy is a common tactic used by cheaters to cover up their affairs.

He is less affectionate than usual

Another red flag to watch out for is suddenness a decrease in the amount of physical affection, which your partner shows you. This may mean less kissing, hugging or even holding hands. According to a survey by dating website eharmony, lack of affection is one of the main signs that a partner is cheating.

Suddenly he's working late all the time

If your partner's work schedule has suddenly become more demanding, this could be a sign that he is cheating. According to the research American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers "working late" is one of the most common excuses cheaters use to cover up their infidelity.

He is suddenly more critical of you

If your partner has started looking at everything you do, it could be a sign that they feel guilty about cheating. By making you feel bad, he may be trying to justify his behavior. According to the study by the University of Michigan, those who cheat often experience a “self-serving bias” that allows them to justify their actions.

He is suddenly more interested in his appearance

If your partner suddenly started going to the gym, buy new clothes or spend more time on editing yourself as usual, this could be a sign that he is trying to impress someone else. According to a study by a dating site Illicit Encounters many cheaters feel a boost in self-esteem from their affair, which can lead to an increased interest in their appearance.

He is suddenly distant or emotionally unavailable

If your partner was previously emotionally open to you, but now seems distant or withdrawn, this could be a sign that he is cheating on you. According to a survey by the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy, emotional distance is one of theand more common signs of infidelity.

Is he cheating on me?
Photo: envato

He is suddenly more protective of his phone and computer

If your partner used to leave his phone and computer lying around, but now keeps them with him or password-protected, this could be a sign that he's trying to hide something. According to the study Indiana University people who cheat are more likely to use their phones and computers to communicate with their affair partners.

Suddenly becomes more defensive or argumentative

If your partner started arguing with you about seemingly small things, this could be a sign that he feels guilty about cheating. By creating drama, he may be trying to distract attention from his own behavior. According to a study by the American Psychological Association, those who cheat often exhibit a higher level of defensiveness than those who do not cheat.

Is he cheating on me?
Photo: envato / Is he cheating on me?

He's suddenly spending more money

If your partner's habits have suddenly changed, it could be a sign that he is spending money on someone else. According to a survey by the National Institute for Financial Education 31 % people, who cheat, spends more money than usual, often on gifts or trips for their affair partners.

Suddenly, the future is more elusive

If your partner has been open about their plans, but now seems to be avoiding your questions, this could be a sign that to hide something. According to a University of Denver study, people who cheat are more likely to lie or mislead their partners about their whereabouts.

Remember, no single sign is a guarantee that your partner is cheating on you. However, if you notice several of these red flags, it's important to have an honest discussion with your partner about your concerns. Trust is the foundation of any healthy relationship, and if that trust is broken, both partners must work together to rebuild it.

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