
Job interview: how to make a good impression at a job interview?

Photo: Envato

A job interview with a potential employer is an event that is just as stressful as a college exam. To make the first impression you make as good as possible, we have prepared some tips for you on how to make the most of the first moments of the meeting and how to prepare for it. These job interview tips will help you look more confident and maybe convince the HR manager for the new position.

Research employer websites

First, familiarize yourself with information about the company, its customers, products or services. Your goal is not only to find out what a particular organization is, but also to understand what a company is. This will give you an idea of what exactly separates them from the competition. It is necessary to know that you understand the essence of the brand, which is always attractive for the tester. This gives you a better understanding of the context you are entering into and will help you adjust your answers accordingly.

Read the tender conditions carefully

Study well tender conditions. Also spend time studying the competition. Next, consider how your experience will help you succeed in the job you're applying for. Prepare some examples or specific resumes from your work history that are aimed at the specific skills listed in the application. Such examples or targeted resumes will come in handy, as they are convincing evidence that you are the right person for this position.

Practice answering possible questions

You will almost certainly hear it in the interview various questions, so it is necessary to prepare for them. 'What particularly attracts you to this job?', 'What are your strengths and weaknesses?', 'What experience do you have?' You will have to answer various questions confidently and form complete sentences. Therefore, it is recommended to answer such questions prepare well. At home, answer such questions out loud, as this will activate your brain.


Prepare for awkward moments

Sometimes there may be concern that the interview will include awkward topics, such as layoffs, salary, or issues that may make you feel uncomfortable. Prepare mentally and systematically for these questions as well, as this will help you lose fear and discomfort if such topics come up during the interview.

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Think about what to ask

At the end of the interview, your interviewer will probably ask you which one you have questions for him. Contrary to popular belief, this does not mean that you have extra time to show off your brains and achievements. It is wise to think about the questions that are important in obtaining information that you want to know about the company and the position you are applying for.

Turn a bad mood into a good one

If you are nervous before the interview and think that your employer has already read your resume and probably thinks you are not qualified, remember that there would be no interview if you are not considered suitable candidate.


You imagine the interview as business meeting, so don't be nervous, but try to change it for good. You imagine that you are working with a business partner that you are encouraging to work with. There is no such thing as a perfect job interview, but your goal should be to show how confident and competent you are.

You need to explain to your employer why you will be successful in this position, what you can do and what you want. If you are still nervous, try it lower expectations, as it will help you to relax during the interview. Above all, be who you are, with loving humility.

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