
Ljubljana SweetSwing Festival

Between March 12 and 15, the international Ljubljana SweetSwing Festival will take place in the Union Grand Hotel. In addition to workshops and fun evenings, this year's novelty is also a dinner - all to the rhythms of fun music, of course.

Important information
Union Grand Hotel
Facebook event
Entrance fee
190 euros per couple for all days

Ljubljana will once again swing and bounce to the rhythms of fun swing! The international SweetSwing Festival will take place in the Union Grand Hotel, which will include swing workshops led by renowned international teachers, swing music concerts and other fun social events. Among others, The Nine Pennies (Italy), NP Big Band (Italy) and Gal Gjurin and Temna godba will play live.

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The festival is suitable for everyone: complete beginners who want to learn the basic dance steps at the workshops, as well as "old cats" and those who simply want to have fun. The price of the festival is 190 euros per couple for all four days, but of course those who don't have their dancing half are also welcome.

Ljubljana will once again sway to the rhythms of swing! (photo: Klemen Razinger /www.fotokolektiv.com)
Ljubljana will once again sway to the rhythms of swing! (photo: Klemen Razinger /www.fotokolektiv.com)

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