Is cycling an activity you are trying to lose weight with? Cycling is a great activity, but if you want to lose weight by cycling, you need to structure your rides differently than when you're just riding leisurely with your friends. When putting together a plan, you can use the tips written in the post below to achieve visible results.
1. How long and far you have to drive
Write down the number in your "diary" and you set a time goal, required to transport the same distance or route. As your fitness improves, you will be able to in less time traveled several kilometers and burn more calories in the process. Over time, you will become more and more comfortable riding the bike, and then you can determine the days of the week for longer rides. For example, if you ride your bike three times a week, make one ride short (30 minutes), one moderate (45 minutes), and one long (60 to 120 minutes, depending on your ability).
2. At what speed should you drive
If weight loss is your primary goal, exercise intensity is very important. Driving with higher intensity burns more calories like riding at a lower intensity. The type of bike you ride and the route you choose will also affect the intensity.
For example, if you train on gravel roads, you will have to try harder as when driving on well-maintained paths. When you ride your bike, pay attention to the effort you put in. It would be good to feel at least a 7 level of exertion - from 1 to 10. This means that your breathing should be deep, but still you should not be exhausted and short of breath.
Photo: Andrea Piacquadio/Pexels
3. Where to drive
The route you choose to train can have the biggest impact on the number of calories you burn, as it affects both the duration and intensity of the ride. For best results, it would be a good idea to choose a route where, for example, you will not be disturbed by traffic lights and traffic. Such stops, however short, result in drop in heart rate, they take time and reduce the possibility of burning calories while driving.
Which is the best bike
The bike that will best help you lose weight is the one you will drive regularly. It is important to try several options and choose the one that suits you and your body best. Consult with the sellers as well, who will know which option may suit you. Finally, we can mention that, in addition to being an excellent tool for weight loss, cycling is an activity that helps reduce stress and allows for a lot of outdoor enjoyment.