
Low standards in a relationship are a much bigger problem than high standards

Photo: envato

If you are single, it has probably happened to you several times that someone has asked you if you have a partner or partner, and when you said you didn't have one, the answer was that you were too picky, right?

The problem arises when someone has the same criteria at 30 as they did when they were a teenager. Is it enough for you to have nothing in common with someone, just like them listening to the same music? Probably not.

As you grow up, standards change. You start to think whether you share the same religious, political beliefs, about education, whether he is capable of changing his opinion, whether he is working on himself, whether he has a desire to improve.

It is much less important to you what he listens to, whether he is handsome and what color his eyes are.

Of course, these are the first things that attract us to a person, but as dating progresses, you are no longer afraid to ask the tough questions or speak your mind.

If you are very particular about certain things different views, it's better to cut off all contact before getting attached.

Don't be sad, believe in yourself. Photo: Cottonbro / Pexels

Many times you only get to know a person when you enter into a relationship with them. This is normal, but the familiarization period should not last too long either. You need to talk about serious things as soon as possible if you want a serious relationship.

High standards are not because we are picky, but to exclude people with whom you are not on the same wavelength.

It's better to be alone than with someone, just to not be alone. This is not only a waste of time but also of life.

It's perfectly fine to be alone, because you can be very good company. A person has to meet your criteria and you have to meet their criteria in order to get into a relationship.

Don't settle for less than what you deserve and also less than what you give yourself.

If someone has low standards, they don't think they deserve anything better, they don't even know how much they deserve.

Have the highest realistic standards. Photo: Maria Verkhoturtseva / Pexels

Have high standards because you want a quality relationship, a partner with whom you can grow personally, with whom you support each other in realizing your own and joint dreams.

But it is something else if there are standards unrealistically high. Then behind those standards is the fear of being hurt, so you set them so high that you know no one will ever reach them.

Love yourself, appreciate yourself and life will thank you.

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