
Mustache November in Lidl Slovenia: "Don't forget the eggs!"

This year, Lidl Slovenia is also preparing a charity-preventive project called Brkati November. With it, they want to draw attention to the importance of prevention and self-examination with the slogan "Don't forget the eggs!". As part of their sustainability initiative Let's create a better world, they are working with the Slovenian Oncology Society for Men, OnkoMan, in the fight against cancer for the second year in a row.

Anyone can support Mustache November in Lidl stores across Slovenia by buying BIO eggs or eggs from the Naše nam paše brand. In the month of November, Lidl Slovenia will donate eggs from every box sold EUR 0.10 to the Slovenian Oncology Society for men OncoMan to fight cancer. This year, at OnkoManu, they are particularly highlighting the issue
lung cancer, but otherwise they offer support to sufferers, and a major part of their activity is dedicated to raising awareness about prevention and the importance of early detection of the disease.

Throughout November, boxes with BIO eggs and Naše nam paše eggs in all Lidl Slovenia stores will be equipped with blue stickers "Don't forget the eggs". With this, they urge customers not to forget to take even such basic ingredients as eggs when shopping, and at the same time, this call also has the purpose of reminding the individual how important it is to take time for himself and for self-examination.

This year, the Mustache November charity activation is also starting concretely, with eggs, and they are putting prevention and charity in the foreground.

As is customary, colleagues were also invited to the charity, Lidlovka and Lidlovce. They were asked to create the most creative mustache this year. From each photo sent, the company will make more an additional allocation of 10 euros to the OnkoManu joint donation fund.

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