
Nino Sarabutra - walking on 100 thousand miniature skulls

Nina Sarabutra

The exhibition by the artist Nina Sarabutra invited visitors to walk through 100,000 miniature porcelain skulls in search of their own imprint, which a person leaves behind with every step, right up to the last one.

The skulls, as the artist herself says, are not images of fear or sadness, but represent the liberated realization that life offers countless opportunities, if only we make the most of each day. So she asked her family, friends, neighbors, colleagues and others for help even when creating small skulls. With this, already in the process, she wanted to encourage reflection on how they live, what they do and what kind of imprint they will leave behind after death.

Their answers, along with those obtained through this intended Websites, were then projected onto the walls of visiting galleries in Singapore and Bangkok. The journey through the stunning exhibition spaces with skull-covered floors and objects was complemented by inspirational heart-shaped wall art with words of encouragement.

And you, do you already know what kind of footprint your last step will leave?

Photo: Nino Sarabutra


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