
Nostradamus 2023: Nostradamus predicted a terrible great war in 2023

Elon Musk will not reach Mars!

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French philosopher Nostradamus has published a series of terrifying prophecies about the future, referring to a horrific World War III event that will take place in 2023

The Ukrainian conflict could lead to a terrifying 'great war' next year, if the predictions of the famous philosopher and prophet Michel de Nostradamus - Nostradamus - are to be believed.

The Frenchman made thousands of future predictions in his book Les Prophéties, published more than 450 years ago and credited with predicting everything from the rise of Hitler to the shooting of JFK and the 9/11 attacks.

In 2022, he predicted a series of terrifying events, including an asteroid strike, famine, and artificial intelligence robots taking over the earth.

And while none of that has happened yet (there's still three months left in the year), his predictions for next year are even more dire.

The Great War

A new great war is predicted for 2023. Nostradamus writes in his writings: "Seven months of great war, people dead because of wickedness. Rouen, Evreux will not fall into the hands of the king.”

This could be seen as an allusion to a larger World War 3 conflict stemming from the troubles in Ukraine that will emerge next year.

Peace, happiness, health, abundance - for everyone! Photo: Greg Rakozy / Unsplash

The conflict's seven-month timeline may at first seem like cause for celebration, but given the formidable nuclear arsenals of countries including America and Russia, it may be best to err on the side of caution.

Heavenly fire

The predictions refer to the end of the world. Nostradamus also alludes to a "heavenly fire on the royal building".

Throughout the Bible, the day of judgment or the "end of time" always refers to fire as a key factor in the end of the world. It is believed that a new world order will emerge from the ashes of civilization.

Mars out of reach

Space agencies have been trying to colonize Mars for years. Skeptical, Nostradamus also referred to "lights going out on Mars".

While this can be explained as the planet going into retrograde motion and appearing to move backwards across the sky, it could also refer to humanity's efforts to colonize the planet.

The world's richest man has long made it clear that he wants to colonize the red planet, saying that exploration and landing on Mars could be achieved by the end of the decade. Could Musk's plans be delayed in 2023? Perhaps the events of 2023 will force him to reconsider his prediction?

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