
Lucky Iron Fish dietary supplement - an "iron" fish that saves lives

Dietary supplement with iron - Lucky Iron Fish

Did you know that iron deficiency is the most common nutritional disorder and that one of the most common causes of fatigue is anemia. That is why the fact that 3.5 billion people worldwide suffer from iron deficiency is all the more frightening. For most of these, substitutes are either unavailable or too expensive. Well, thanks to the Lucky Iron Fish invention by Canadian doctor Christopher Charles, that is no longer the case, and anemia could become a thing of the past with the fish.

Fish Lucky Iron Fish, a doctor's dietary supplement Christopher Charles, ensures 75 percent of the daily recommended amount of iron. All you have to do for this dose is fish in boiling water or broth irrigation at least 10 minutes. Then you can catch (read remove) her. Add a little more lemon juice, because the vitamin C found in lemon helps the body absorb iron more easily, and that's it. Because of this, the taste of the food will not be any different. The fish can repeat the exercise many times, because its "well" of iron does not dry up more years.

Lucky Iron Fish dietary supplement with iron is already happily used in Cambodia.
Lucky Iron Fish dietary supplement with iron is already happily used in Cambodia.

Currently, he is already using the fish 2500 people in Cambodia, where more than 50 percent of people are anemic. Tests show that all those involved in the study after 12 months they are no longer anemic. Of course, this dietary supplement is not necessarily limited to the shape of the fish, the design can thus be adapted to the cultural environment.

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One Lucky Iron Fish a day takes anemia away.
One Lucky Iron Fish a day takes anemia away.

And the fact why it's a big deal and not just a cute food product. Anemia is to blame for fatigue, a feeling of weakness, shortness of breath after the slightest exertion, for pallor, more frequent infections, for cracked corners of the mouth, poorer ability to focus, brittle nails and hair, lack of appetite, cold hands and feet, faster pulse, dizziness and dizziness. Indeed, Lucky Iron Fish will not only make it easier but also saved many lives.

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