
Orthopedists warn: 7 most common walking mistakes that affect your health

Photo: envato

For some people, walking is just a way of covering distances, while for others it is an important physical activity for activating the muscles of the body. But the fact is that we rarely think about walking technique when we walk.

Like everything activities, too walking requires some consideration. About posture, steps, suitable footwear... Did you know that some common mistakes while walking can have a significant impact on your orthopedic health? Check!

Inappropriate shoes

One of the most common mistakes is inappropriate footwear. Ill-fitting shoes can put unnecessary stress on your feet, ankles and knees, which can lead to problems such as arch inflammation and joint pain. Orthopedists recommend footwear that provides adequate support for the arch of the foot and fits you comfortably.

Photo: Unsplash/Sincerely Media


Taking excessively long strides may seem like an efficient way to cover long distances, but they can have a negative impact on the health of your joints. Overdoing it increases the impact on your knees, hips and lower back, resulting in injury and wear and tear over time. If you learn to maintain a natural stride length, you can significantly reduce the load on your lower limbs and improve your walking technique.

Look down

Are you browsing your phone or texting while walking? Then your gaze is likely to be down, which can disrupt your body's natural alignment and put unnecessary strain on your neck, shoulders and spine. Keeping your head up and looking forward will help you maintain proper posture and reduce the risk of developing musculoskeletal problems.

Bad posture

A hunchback or incorrect walking posture not only affects your "look" but can also cause back pain and discomfort. That's why you prefer to focus on an upright posture with relaxed shoulders and engage your core muscles. This will distribute the forces evenly throughout the body, thereby reducing the risk of strain and injury.

Excessive use of the treadmill

Although treadmills in fitness centers offer the opportunity to exercise even in bad weather, they can encourage bad habits. When using a treadmill, people tend to overspeed or alter their natural gait, which can lead to orthopedic problems.

Photo: envato

Neglecting to stretch

If you don't do some stretching before and after walking, you can limit your flexibility and increase the likelihood of developing muscle imbalances. Include dynamic stretching before walking to warm up your muscles, and after walking do some more static stretching to improve flexibility and aid in muscle recovery.

Neglecting muscle strength

Walking is not a required cardio exercise, but neglecting general muscle strength can affect your gait and stability. Work to strengthen your leg, trunk and back muscles properly, which will provide better support for your joints and improve your gait.

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