In recent years, the exclusive cars on our roads have turned from an extravagance reserved exclusively for the wealthy into an object of desire, which is accepted with approval, a smile and a thumbs up by practically all road users. The growth of the economy, the availability of various sources of financing and diverse and flexible options for buying or renting a vehicle have enabled a wider circle of people to realize their dreams and afford their dream steel horse.
Every, well almost every, girl dreams of a dream wedding in a dream location. It is no secret that Slovenia is a wonderful country endowed with natural beauty. And that's why there are quite a few dreamy spots for outdoor weddings. We have selected 6 locations around Slovenia where they can make your wedding day truly fabulous.
Normal aging, without the absence of disease, is an inevitable process that involves a gradual deterioration of the body's ability to repair itself. It seems to us that nothing has changed, and we only notice the changes decades later. And we're not just talking about wrinkles or weight gain, but many other changes that happen over a ten-year period.

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