Bill Gates is the second richest man in the world, ahead of him only Jeff Bezos, CEO of Amazon (his fortune is estimated at 112 billion US dollars, which is converted to about 99 billion euros). It may be easier to imagine if we tell you that even if Gates gave every Earthling 10 US dollars, he would still have 20 billion left over. Pretty unimaginable, right?
Are you looking for an idea how to make a beautiful Advent wreath at home? The Christmas season is just around the corner and most of us will spend it at home with our loved ones. Maybe the kitchen doesn't smell like cookies yet, and we haven't wrapped the presents yet, but we're definitely thinking about the Advent wreath. Those with a creative streak can create it at home according to their wishes. It can be rustically homely or glamorously opulent, but it will never be like its neighbors. We have collected some ideas for you to create an Advent wreath at home.
When the cold knocks on the door, it is certain that we feel it all over our body and want to be warm. But believe me, this is the least that low temperature does to your body. There are actually other weird ways cold weather affects your body and you won't believe how absurd some of them are.
The wine festival is already entering its third decade, as this year we will celebrate the 21st Slovenian wine festival, where visitors will be able to see obvious changes, namely the event will be organized by a new company. At the location where the festival was born, in Cankarjev dom, winemakers will present themselves as always, but the cuisine will be slightly changed due to the new location - they will not be able to afford live cooking, so the main focus of the festival will be on cuisine.

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